
Prom Essentials | 10 Items to pack in your purse

Packing your purse for prom is an art! From cute clutches to tiny handbags, odds are you won't have much room in the purse you take to prom. It is all about maximizing the space you do have and only bringing essential items. Of course you need to bring your phone, tickets, and ID, which doesn't leave much room. What else do you need? Check out the 10 prom essentials you need to pack in your purse.


1. Lipstick or lip gloss
To save space just pack one shade of lipstick. There is no need to also take your lip liner and gloss.

2. Pressed Powder
Odds are your makeup won't stay perfect the entire night. Pressed powder is an easy way to touch up skin leaving you smooth, matte, and refreshed. You are going to be having so much fun you won't want to spend hours reapplying all your makeup in the bathroom.


3. Mini perfume bottle
Want to keep yourself smelling amazing all night? A mini perfume bottle is all you need.


4. Dental floss
No one looks good with spinach in their teeth.

Image result for floss on the go


5. Gum or mints
You never know where the night may lead, best to be prepared with minty fresh breath. Bonus points if you find a mini pack of gum or mints.


6. Bobby pins
Hours of hard work on your hair can be undone in seconds on the dance floor. Extra bobby pins can help keep it in place.

7. Hair tie
So you hit the dance floor a little too hard, and now your hair is a mess. Ponytail time!


8. Oil blotting sheets
The dance floor can heat up, literally! Don't be caught shiny, take a break to cool off, and blot your face.

9. Band-Aids
Those shoes may look cute now, but blisters can be a prom nightmare.


10. Safety Pin
Broken zipper? Ripped strap? A safety pin can fix many wardrobe malfunctions.